Why does it cost so much to expand?

With expansion positioned to be one of the main goals of the game, it is crucial that players are challenged.

How do you Clean Floors?

Piles of clothing and accessories pile up on the floor at timed intervals, and clicking on them “Cleans Floors.” Usually you'll find your store gets dirtier after a lot of clients have come in and out, so keep your displays full if you're trying to Clean Floors for a quest.

How do you get Tiara Points?

Tiara Points are earned by entering the Fash Cup. You will earn at least two every time you enter, but more can be obtained by winning a position in the Top 10 worldwide, in your country, or among your neighbors. You can also earn one Tiara Point for voting 50 times on a Fash Cup theme.

How many Heartbeats can you get per day by helping out at neighbors' fashion houses?


How do I "collect from promotion stands"?

First, you'll have to have a promotion stand built in your Fashion House, such as "Bath Products." Once it has collected some Coins, all you have to do to collect is click it and that click will count toward the quest task.

How many promotion stands are there, and how many Simone quests do you complete to get them?

There are 21. The last one available is Magic Beauty Bath. After Fashion Magazines, each promotion stands is worth 10 more quests than the previous one. For example...

Bath Products = 8 quests
Cotton Candy = 15 quests
Fashion Magazines = 20 quests
Chocolate Cupcakes = 30 quests
Hair Care Products = 40 quests
Sun Care Products = 50 quests

and so on, until you hit Perfumes, which takes 100 quests to complete.
After that, you'll need to complete 120 quests, 140, 160, 200, and 240 for rest.